Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020

Launch HN: Speedscale (YC S20) – Automatically create tests from actual traffic https://ift.tt/2Po7pcJ

Launch HN: Speedscale (YC S20) – Automatically create tests from actual traffic We’re Ken, Nate and Matt, co-founders of Speedscale ( https://speedscale.com ), a tool that automatically generates continuous integration (CI) tests from past traffic. Carefully scaling rollouts to ever larger groups of customers is the safest deployment strategy, but can take weeks. Even for elite DevOps organizations up to 15% of changes to production can result in degraded service [1] [2]. We met as undergrads at Georgia Tech and come from a DevOps and operations background so we’ve seen this first hand. Each of us has over 15 years of experience building high-reliability systems, starting in the early days with satellite earth station monitoring. As interns we once wrote a bug that caused a 32 meter antenna to try to point down through the earth, almost flattening the building we were in. It was a great environment to learn about engineering reliability. We leveraged this experience to tackle monitoring Java app servers, SOA, SaaS observability and cloud data warehouses. What if we could use a form of observability data to automatically test the reliability of new deployments before they hit production? That’s the idea that got us started on Speedscale. Most test automation tools record browser interactions or use AI to generate a set of UI tests. Speedscale works differently in that it captures API calls at the source using a Kubernetes sidecar [3] or a reverse proxy. We can see all the traffic going in and out of each service, not just the UI. We feed the traffic through an analyzer process that detects calls to external services and emulates a realistic request and response -- even authentication systems like OAUTH =). Unlike guessing how users call your service, Speedscale automation reflects reality because we collected data from your live system. We call each interaction model a Scenario and Speedscale generates them without human effort leading to an easily maintained full-coverage CI test suite. Scenarios can run on demand or in your build pipeline because Speedscale inserts your container into an ephemeral environment where we stress it with different performance, regression, and chaos scenarios. If it breaks, you can decide the alerting threshold. Speedscale is especially effective in ensuring compliance with subtle Service Level Objective (SLO) conditions like performance regression [4]. We're not public yet but would be happy to give you a demo if you contact us at hello@speedscale.com. Also, we are doing alpha customer deployments to refine our feature set and protocol support - if you have this problem or have tried to solve it in the past we would love to get your feedback. Eventually we’ll end up selling the service via a subscription model but the details are still TBD. For the moment we’re mainly focused on making the product more useful and collecting feedback. Thanks! [1] https://ift.tt/2Po7iOl... [2] https://ift.tt/2XsQtpC... [3] https://ift.tt/31pKvax... [4] https://ift.tt/3gug5du... August 5, 2020 at 08:59PM

Show HN: Extension to highlight new posts on HN frontpage since your last visit https://ift.tt/2Pp7dts

Show HN: Extension to highlight new posts on HN frontpage since your last visit https://ift.tt/30uuOiN August 5, 2020 at 03:01PM

Tonton stream saya Brawl Stars di Omlet Arcade!


Show HN: RedditVids – Reddit Videos Aggregator https://ift.tt/39XGNIN

Show HN: RedditVids – Reddit Videos Aggregator https://redditvids.com/ August 5, 2020 at 04:20PM

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Tonton stream saya Clash of Clans di Omlet Arcade!


Show HN: Kvak.io – Online Notepad https://ift.tt/3iavIXP

Show HN: Kvak.io – Online Notepad http://kvak.io/?n=intro August 5, 2020 at 01:28PM

#bencana #beritahariini 2 jam yang lalu Mengerikan ledekan di Beirut Lebanon, sedikitnya 73 tewas


Customer Service Kiosks Provide New Services

Customer Service Kiosks Provide New Services
By Lulu Feliciano

A kiosk at the Powell Street Cable Car

A Customer Service Kiosk at Powell and Market

As the city gradually reopens for business, the SFMTA has moved many of our customer service functions on-line. To support our customers who may need in-person service, we are now using three Muni sales kiosks as alternate locations for services previously only available at the Customer Service Center at 11 South Van Ness.

Doing Business at our Reopened Customer Service Kiosks

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted our city and our agency in countless ways and has required us all to adapt quickly. As an immediate response to the March shelter-in-place public health order and to minimize the risk of exposure for our customers and employees, the SFMTA Customer Service Center located was temporarily closed.

Prior to the closure, the location served approximately 20,000 customers a month for citation payments, low-income fare and citation payment programs, Lifeline monthly pass sales, Clipper card issuance and transactions, and Residential Parking Permits. Over the last few months, we worked to modify program requirements and processes, allowing many functions to be moved online.

Our three currently open sales kiosks are located at Bay & Taylor streets, Powell & Market streets and Presidio Avenue & Geary Boulevard. They operate from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week except on holidays and during posted breaks.

Services provided at the kiosks:

  • Parking & Transit Citation Payments
  • Clipper sales/Youth & Senior Cards (not available at Bay & Taylor Streets)
  • Lifeline Monthly Pass sales

Redirecting services such as Lifeline sales and citation payments will eventually allow the Customer Service Center to reopen under a much more limited capacity by redirecting up to 75% of the prior transactions on-line and to these alternate sites to minimize risk for both customers and staff.

Citations and Late Penalties

In response to the health orders and shelter in place, we also temporarily suspended enforcing late penalties on citations. However, the SFMTA’s dire financial situation caused by the pandemic requires us to resume generating revenue. Revenue from citations and late penalties allows us to continue to provide critical transportation services for essential works and transit-dependent customers.

We are now resuming the enforcement of late penalties on parking and transit citations as follows: 

  • Deadline for submitting citation protests, payment and community service plans: September 1, 2020 
  • For parking or transit citations issued before July 21, 2020, full payment of outstanding amounts due, or protests, must be received on, or before, August 31, 2020.
  • Standard timelines apply to all citations issued after July 21, 2020.

Customers are encouraged to pay citations online at www.SFMTA.com/paycitation or visit an SFMTA service booth to pay citations. The SFMTA Customer Service Center remains closed.

Published August 05, 2020 at 07:15AM

Bom Beach


Show HN: I built an After Effects for dummies https://ift.tt/33qB3pP

Show HN: I built an After Effects for dummies https://ift.tt/2wg8cWy August 5, 2020 at 03:52AM

Show HN: Load that 30 year old ROM and boot this Pinball Machine https://ift.tt/3gvsaPr

Show HN: Load that 30 year old ROM and boot this Pinball Machine https://playfield.dev/ August 5, 2020 at 01:14AM

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2020